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Tom Howerton | all galleries >> Galleries >> Muscle Cars > 1979 Camaro Z28
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09-APR-2005 Tom Howerton

1979 Camaro Z28

Virginia Beach, Virginia

Canon EOS 10D ,EF 24-85mm f/3.5-4.5 USM
1/180s f/8.0 at 25.0mm iso200 with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
christopher 09-Sep-2010 23:58
Tom Howerton05-Jul-2009 19:39
To Guest,

Regarding your inquiry, "where exactly did he get that grill?" I don't have a clue. These cars are at local cruise 'ins and car shows so I usually don't know the owners or the history of the cars that I photograph.

Thanks for taking the time to stop and view my galleries. All comments are welcome!!

Guest 05-Jul-2009 16:12
where exactly did he get that grill?
Gonzalez_92 03-Nov-2008 20:51
that blue needs to be darker and the stripes need to be black along with the rims.....then it would be perfect
Guest 08-Jun-2008 02:34
this man has all the original toys
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