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Terry Bowker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Cockpit & Aerial Views > Aurora Borealis, Anchorage illuminates the clouds below....
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Aurora Borealis, Anchorage illuminates the clouds below....

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Taken in flight from Asia to the USA, while approaching Alaska.

Canon EOS 20D
8s f/4.0 at 17.0mm iso3200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Inga Morozoff14-Apr-2012 15:44
What a thrill to see this out of your window!
Yiannis Pavlis09-Mar-2008 15:00
An eye-catching picture with impressive outlook!
Flying Dutchman21-Oct-2007 20:15
Ohh... fantastic shot... I wished I could take one like this once. Vote!
BleuEvanescence25-Dec-2006 05:25
J'en ai des frissons dans le dos tellement c'est beau!
J. 22-Sep-2006 04:42
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