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Terry Bowker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Cockpit & Aerial Views > Somewhere over the North Atlantic
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Somewhere over the North Atlantic

Canon EOS 5D
1/250s f/2.8 at 14.0mm iso50 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
cjm200104-Jan-2015 22:57
Nice to see that FO wearing his O2 mask. Hope he does even when the camera isn't pointing in his direction. Great picture Terry!
Ken Zaret26-Aug-2012 22:06
Looks like a space capsule, very cool!
David T.25-Jun-2012 20:02
Great point of view! Excellent light as well
Inga Morozoff14-Apr-2012 15:39
Wow, awesome shot!
Juan Leon17-Mar-2012 16:16
Long Bach Nguyen15-Jan-2012 06:21
fantastic view and your wide angle lens
CM Kwan09-Jan-2012 13:00
Excellent capture, Terry! V
Terry Bowker08-Jan-2012 05:12
Hi Brad, It is an oxygen mask that we wear above 25,000 feet when the other pilot is out of their seat. In this case though I am actually still in my seat.
Brad Claypole08-Jan-2012 03:42
Umm.. should he be wearing that?
Seen a 747 cockpit in flight when I was 12. Very impressive.
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