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Terje Hamnes | profile | all galleries >> Travels >> China 1997 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

China 1997

From a study tour to China in 1997. Four weeks in Xíán (Shanxii district)and one week in Beijing.
Entrance Old Courtyard
Entrance Old Courtyard
old courtyard evening mood
old courtyard evening mood
Pagoda Xian
Pagoda Xian
little boy with a pomegranate
little boy with a pomegranate
two dollars for picture
"two dollars for picture"
g2/31/738631/3/75854814.l0EEF4yE.jpg Maize Village
"Maize Village"
Maize Village #2
Maize Village #2
Maize Village #3
"Maize Village" #3
Maize Village #4
"Maize Village" #4
Maize Village #5
"Maize Village" #5
A Cheerful Couple
A Cheerful Couple
Following Us
Following Us
In No Mans Land
"In No Mans Land"
Neverending stairs
Neverending stairs
Hard working
Hard working
The Headless
The Headless
Headless #2
Headless #2
Sunken courtyard #1
Sunken courtyard #1
sunken courtyard #2
sunken courtyard #2
Countryside Mood
Countryside Mood
ten yuan...ok five yuan... ok ok
"ten yuan...ok five yuan... ok ok"
Tienanmen Square
Tienanmen Square
Photographers Pose
Photographers Pose
Outside The forbidden city
Outside The forbidden city
In The Forbidden City
In The Forbidden City
The Forbidden City Canal
The Forbidden City Canal
Caught in the click
Caught in the click
Balancin Art
Balancin Art
Balancing Art
Balancing Art
balancing art #3
balancing art #3
Summer Palace canal
Summer Palace canal
Summer palace lake
Summer palace lake
Tourist boat at the summer palace lake
Tourist boat at the summer palace lake
Tourist Boat Sunset
Tourist Boat Sunset
smog and sunset filter
smog and sunset filter
closing in
closing in
walking up to The Great Wall
walking up to The Great Wall
Heavenly ladder
Heavenly ladder
Crazy guide
Crazy guide
On the top
On the top
on the edge
on the edge
fortress, heavenly ladder
fortress, heavenly ladder
it goes on and on
it goes on and on
me on the great wall
me on the great wall
Some parts needs climbing
Some parts needs climbing
A Narrow Part
A Narrow Part
View from the top
View from the top
The Great Wall at Cimá tai - scenery
The Great Wall at Cimá tai - scenery
Karate Kid in China
Karate Kid in China
On our way down
On our way down
The Great Wall Of China
The Great Wall Of China