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Sue Anne Rush | all galleries >> Galleries >> Archive > IMG_4882_Lowepro Ridge 60
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10-MAR-2007 Sue Anne Rush

IMG_4882_Lowepro Ridge 60


Inner Dimensions 5.5W X 2.6D X 6.3H in.

Canon EOS 350D ,Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 USM
1/125s f/2.5 at 50.0mm iso1600 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Reflections by Ruth23-Dec-2007 22:26
I think this is the type of case I am looking for :) one to put my new D300 just by itself so when its slung over my shoulder and not in use in a crowd I know it wont get scratched.
I have larger cases but too much to carry for just a walk around.
How did you know which case fit your camera and lens? did you bring your camera with you? :)