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Steingrim Vold | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Lappland july 2004 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Lappland july 2004

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By the lake
By the lake
Summer paradise
Summer paradise
Neat row of houses
Neat row of houses
Gryllefjord looking out to sea
Gryllefjord looking out to sea
Gryllefjord looking to Andøya
Gryllefjord looking to Andøya
Sunset on Andøya
Sunset on Andøya
Lofoten - we were here in 1979
Lofoten - we were here in 1979
Lofoten - island on lake on island
Lofoten - island on lake on island
Western tip of Lofoten
Western tip of Lofoten
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