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the Sarah Project

It started last summer: a call from a special customer. It was time to upgrade the ride. With two little ones having arrived since the last vehicle I put together for her, the old and faithful 244 just was not large enough for the entourage anymore. A wagon was the desired goal; and moving into a 700 wagon was the preferred choice.

A concern about the lack of power experienced with 700s that had been driven by Sarah was raised. She had only driven normally aspirated Volvos. I explained the solution: TURBO. I had her go roadtest a turbowagon. That resolved the issue: it would be a turbowagon.

The search began: I went to Chicago and to DC to check out two strong contenders. Both were disappointments. The decision was made: it had to be a black turbowagon; it had to have black leather; it had to have a sunroof; and it had to have a third seat.

The search resumed....codename: the Sarah Project

I found another candidate in Michigan. I drove up there to look it over. I dragged a friend known as 15A along to get his impressions and to utilize his keen eye for detail. I didn't actually drag 15A along; he did get to ride in the front seat; and we had a fun trip.

This Gallery is about what I did to the black prepare it for its new owner.
found:  THE wagon
found: THE wagon
loaded up and ready to travel
loaded up and ready to travel
arrived; the next morning
arrived; the next morning
unloading the beginning... the beginning...
teardown; evaluation; decisions
teardown; evaluation; decisions
getting the party started!
getting the party started!
water pump and other items on...
water pump and other items on...
the head is installed and torqued...
the head is installed and torqued...
the mitsu and the manifold are on...
the mitsu and the manifold are on...
getting ready for an intake...
getting ready for an intake...
done under the hood...
done under the hood...
from the right...
from the right...
from the left...
from the left...
some stainless for superior cooling...
some stainless for superior cooling...
the third seat installed...
the third seat installed...
exhausting deficiencies
exhausting deficiencies
the major restriction
the major restriction
what was vs what will be
what was vs what will be
the new exhaust system
the new exhaust system
over the axle
over the axle
with the cat installed
with the cat installed
a rear view
a rear view
exhaust deficiencies corrected
exhaust deficiencies corrected
Lucinda's first drive...
Lucinda's first drive...