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Stacy Jon Peterson | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Aircraft & Airshows, Elmendorf AFB, Alaska tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Aircraft & Airshows, Elmendorf AFB, Alaska

Most of the photos here are from the Arctic Thunder Airshows at Elmendorf AFB in 2006 & 2008. Elmendorf AFB also presented a showing of the F/A-22 RAPTOR when it first was stationed here, and some of my Raptor pics are from that event. As circumstances allow I'll present other photos of our military planes (always with permission).
USN Blue Angels
[ USN Blue Angels ]
USAF Thunderbirds
[ USAF Thunderbirds ]
F/A-22 Raptor
[ F/A-22 Raptor ]
C-17 Globemaster III
C-17 Globemaster III
Heritage Flight 1
Heritage Flight 1
Heritage Flight 2
Heritage Flight 2
Heritage Flight 3
Heritage Flight 3
Refueling negative
Refueling negative
Golden Knights Drill
Golden Knights Drill
Bomb Run
Bomb Run
Golden Knights Flag
Golden Knights Flag
Going Somewhere?
Going Somewhere?