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Chris Sofopoulos | all galleries >> The flamenco concept >> Ensayo >
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Canon EOS 20D
1/60s f/4.5 at 210.0mm iso3200 full exif

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Guest 24-Dec-2007 06:32
Again great DOF and the colour stands out so well to add to the drama
Guenter Eh08-Dec-2007 18:19
The red works great here! Like the "muletta" in a corrida de toros!
Martha Albuquerque10-Nov-2007 23:56
Fantastic, Chris!! VOTE
PauloCGama07-Nov-2007 15:13
aweome! just awesome!!

Robyco31-Oct-2007 21:21
Very strong image, by her expression and the red cloth...
The lady in the background underlines the powerfull expression !!
Jim Chiesa31-Oct-2007 16:35
A very strong image, Chris. The lady's expression and the way she is holding the red coloured cloth generates a tremendous amount of energy. Excellent spotting and composition (with the other dancer behind the brings depth to the shot). V.