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PauloCGama14-Jul-2011 13:47
LOVE it!! :)
Ronny Van Eeckhoutte10-Nov-2009 20:31
Excellent composition and perfect B&W! Best regards!

Donald Verger11-May-2009 17:55
really wonderful Chris! Hi from Maine! thanks! best, don also see
Eugene Michael Bundy11-May-2009 12:35
Amazing. V
Wenche Aune10-May-2009 20:43
Wonderful portrait. Love the expression. V
CM Kwan10-May-2009 15:37
Again, you made the picture so powerful, Chris! V
Nora van Beek09-May-2009 22:38
Excellent capture and treatment & great expression. ~V~
ewa toll09-May-2009 11:09
Latifa Messaoudi09-May-2009 07:26
So cute: very photographic!
Roe..08-May-2009 23:29
yes, the lighting and tones..
J. Scott Coile08-May-2009 22:52
So completely adorable. Magic in your B&W!
Apostolos Tikopoulos08-May-2009 21:46
Terrific expression and brillant details in this monochrome. My compliments. v.
laine08-May-2009 21:13
Gorgeous eye it.
Antonis Sarantos08-May-2009 21:03
Excellent... VvV
Aud Elise Sjøsæther08-May-2009 19:41
Fantastic portrait! Love the expression! Wonderful B/W work. V
Thomas08-May-2009 19:30
Lovely portrait of an astonished looking child.