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Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography | all galleries >> FRACTAL ART >> Fractal Art #3 > Fractal #243
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2006 Tomasz Dziubinski

Fractal #243

other sizes: small medium original auto
shatterbug16-May-2006 20:02
This is great. Outstanding color contrast! V.
Greg Harp09-May-2006 04:57
Char08-May-2006 03:11
This is so fantastic. I use to have directions on how to do that, but lost them. :(
I'll just enjoy yours. :) v
Matylda Lempel-Chareza Photography07-May-2006 22:01
WOlny duch,czysta dusza,wielka si³a,gratuluje i ciesze sie .Czyzbym sie doczeka³a?
Guest 07-May-2006 17:57
Stunning colours Tomasz!