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Stewart Mitchell | all galleries >> Galleries >> Europe Tour 2009 > 15_Sep_09-04 Montisi
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15-SEP-2009 smit10pics

15_Sep_09-04 Montisi

Tuscany, Italy

Nikon D80 ,Sigma 24-70mm f/2.8 EX DG ASP DF
1/160s f/8.0 at 65.0mm iso320 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Milan Vogrin03-Oct-2009 09:04
Very nice landscape photo.
Ann...20-Sep-2009 20:20
The warmth exudes from those buildings......a delightful scene.
lisamidi17-Sep-2009 08:00
Beautiful Italy! And a great composition.
tinkerb16-Sep-2009 21:18
I almost resent this! I feel as if you are rubbing our noses in it!!!! Apart from that I like it :-))
Pete Hemington16-Sep-2009 20:22
Fascinating buildings and good vantage point.
Máire Uí Mhaicín16-Sep-2009 18:40
Beautiful composition and great sharpness of detail.
McGarva16-Sep-2009 17:01
Everything Italian in one shot ... great warm colours!
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