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Julio Rodriguez | profile | all galleries >> Original Galleries 1959-1965 >> Central Park Gallery tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Central Park Gallery

Central Park was a haven for nature in the midst of a concrete city. It provided a lot of photo opportunites, this gallery contains some of my work in black and white film. The Museum of Natural History is in the Park and there are some interesting pictures included here.
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Jackie & Joey in Park
Jackie & Joey in Park
Do you remember the smell of hot chestnuts?  On a cold winter's day, there was nothing better.
Hot Chestnuts

Do you remember the smell of hot chestnuts? On a cold winter's day, there was nothing better.

The original Hansom Cab ride in Central Park.
The Carriage Ride

The original Hansom Cab ride in Central Park.

Look at these guys.  They gathered every weekend to play chess in the park.  Look at the women in the back.
Chess players

Look at these guys. They gathered every weekend to play chess in the park. Look at the women in the back.

Boat lake
Boat lake
Julio-Jack-Joe at Boat Lake
Julio-Jack-Joe at Boat Lake
Do you remember the Central Park Zoo?

Do you remember the Central Park Zoo?

Park scene
Park scene
Bethesda Fountain
Bethesda Fountain
Fountain view from below
Fountain view from below
Fountain view from above
Fountain view from above
Charlene Blando looks at the artist.
Artist in park

Charlene Blando looks at the artist.

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