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Julio's Gallery

Pictures from Julio Rodriguez
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L-R ***Roy Velasquez, Joe Donaghy, Ray Maldonado, Barry Byrnes behind tree, Sylvia Kalbfleisch , Dennis Madeiros and Aida Montalvo.
This is a classic picture of friends, taken in Central Park.
The Tree

L-R ***Roy Velasquez, Joe Donaghy, Ray Maldonado, Barry Byrnes behind tree, Sylvia Kalbfleisch , Dennis Madeiros and Aida Montalvo.
This is a classic picture of friends, taken in Central Park.

My favorite picture of Aida, totally candid.
Aida on the Subway

My favorite picture of Aida, totally candid.

Aida Married Cesar Espinoza and lives in Georgia today.  She has her own gallery in Skelzie.
Aida Montalvo

Aida Married Cesar Espinoza and lives in Georgia today. She has her own gallery in Skelzie.

At Fordham University
AIda and Eileen Simpson

At Fordham University

Aida at Fordham
Aida at Fordham
Aida and Eileen with Fordham Ram
Aida and Eileen with Fordham Ram
Aida Montalvo
Aida Montalvo
Aida & Silvia Kalbfleisch
Aida & Silvia Kalbfleisch
Taken at Fordham University Campus July 1964
Aida and Eileen

Taken at Fordham University Campus July 1964

Nice picture, I had the negative, don't recall ever seeing it printed out.
Cesar & Aida

Nice picture, I had the negative, don't recall ever seeing it printed out.

They are still friends today
Aida & Dolly

They are still friends today

Merrele is behind her, reading of course.
Brunilda Feleciano hooded

Merrele is behind her, reading of course.

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