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Lighthouse Park

Lighthouse Park is located in West Vancouver and is named after the lighthouse first built on Point Atkinson in 1874 (it has since been replaced with a more modern structure). The park's trail system is easy to navigate, complete with beautiful views to the University of BC and Bowen Island, and makes for a pleasant afternoon hike. Despite having lived in Vancouver all my life, I only discovered the park recently, and immediately fell in love with it.
Point Atkinson Lighthouse
Point Atkinson Lighthouse
Valley Trail
Valley Trail
Starboat Cove
Starboat Cove
Sunset fishing
Sunset fishing
Shore Pine Point 1
Shore Pine Point 1
Shore Pine Point 2
Shore Pine Point 2
At the end of the day
At the end of the day
Shore Pine Point revisited
Shore Pine Point revisited
Golden skies
Golden skies
Juniper Point
Juniper Point