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Stephanie Seto | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> California Wedding June 2004 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

California Wedding June 2004

* Updated August 4th * My cousin Lillian got married on June 19th and my parents and I flew down for the wedding. Although I did take some pictures from the ceremony itself, they were pretty crappy and weren't worth posting. What I have posted are some pictures before and after the ceremony and some taken during the reception. What I found is that, as a guest and amateur photographer, it's better to try and capture the moments that the pro photographer isn't hired to take.

The other pictures are from a day spent at Disneyland/California Adventure with my cousin Beverly's family, who showed me that you're never too old to be a kid. I would have liked to take some photos of us on the rides, but I was too busy screaming :)
Before the ceremony
Before the ceremony
Post-wedding portrait
Post-wedding portrait
Is that really me in there?
Is that really me in there?
Jacob's GQ pose
Jacob's GQ pose
Grand entrance
Grand entrance
Helen and Matthew
Helen and Matthew
First dance
First dance
First dance 2
First dance 2
Celebrating with champagne
Celebrating with champagne
Cutting the cake
Cutting the cake
No cake in the face (thank goodness)
No cake in the face (thank goodness)
Returning the favour
Returning the favour
The moms
The moms
Time to be kids again
Time to be kids again
My parents
My parents
Mom and me
Mom and me
Non-existent infinity
Non-existent infinity
In California, literally
In California, literally