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Various holidays over the years
Sorrento holiday October 2004
:: Sorrento holiday October 2004 ::
Various visits to Belgium and France
:: Various visits to Belgium and France ::
Cornwall Holiday April/May 2006
:: Cornwall Holiday April/May 2006 ::
Visit to Krackow Poland in October 2006
:: Visit to Krackow Poland in October 2006 ::
Various holidays in North Yorkshire
:: Various holidays in North Yorkshire ::
Short holiday near Oswestry March 2007
:: Short holiday near Oswestry March 2007 ::
Aberfoyle July 2007
:: Aberfoyle July 2007 ::
Visit to Switzerland September 2007
:: Visit to Switzerland September 2007 ::
Duddon Valley  July 2009
:: Duddon Valley July 2009 ::
The Trough of Bowland
:: The Trough of Bowland ::
Alnwick May 2009
:: Alnwick May 2009 ::
Cotswods October/November 2010
:: Cotswods October/November 2010 ::
Short holiday in Ironbridge in April 2013
:: Short holiday in Ironbridge in April 2013 ::
Stratford upon Avon May 2013
:: Stratford upon Avon May 2013  ::
Holiday in the Cider Press Brinsop Hereford
:: Holiday in the Cider Press Brinsop Hereford ::