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The Sigma Users Group Galleries | profile | all galleries >> User Galleries >> Users Galleries By Camera >> SD10 >> Richard F. Lyon tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Richard F. Lyon

Un-retouched field-test images captured with pre-release Sigma SD10 serial #02000001. The intention here is to show how the camera handles a range of lighting situations, not to show great works of art. The processing parameters are viewable in the Sigma Photo Pro 2.0 information window if you download the "original" jpeg file. Most shots are hand-held; some used monopod.

Please keep in mind that all images are copyrighted; YOU HAVE PERMISSION to VIEW, DOWNLOAD, and PRINT them for personal evaluation, but not to crop or otherwise modify or re-publish them.

l'aéroport CDG ISO200+0.2Push+0.3Fill
l'aéroport CDG ISO200+0.2Push+0.3Fill
Bodega Tio Pepe ISO100+1.9stopPush+0.4Fill
Bodega Tio Pepe ISO100+1.9stopPush+0.4Fill
Costa de Luz ISO100+2stopPush
Costa de Luz ISO100+2stopPush
Gades (Cadíz)
Gades (Cadíz)
Under a Bloom
Under a Bloom
Restaurante Rio Grande
Restaurante Rio Grande
Ronda ISO200+2stopPush.jpg
Ronda ISO200+2stopPush.jpg
Early Birds
Early Birds
Grazalema Sunset
Grazalema Sunset
Bodega de La Concha, obra de Eiffel
Bodega de La Concha, obra de Eiffel
Self Portrait en Paragua
Self Portrait en Paragua
Low-Res ISO-800 Prado Museum
Low-Res ISO-800 Prado Museum
Barcelona ISO100+1.7stopPush
Barcelona ISO100+1.7stopPush
Evening Action
Evening Action
Rambling las Ramblas
Rambling las Ramblas
Under The Gun
Under The Gun
Cheers ISO200+1.8stopPush Neg.6Fill
Cheers ISO200+1.8stopPush Neg.6Fill
Times Square
Times Square
CAT.NYU Robot ISO400
CAT.NYU Robot ISO400
WTC Site
WTC Site
The Met
The Met
new Westin Hotel
new Westin Hotel
Extreme Shadow Fill
Extreme Shadow Fill
WFC Color
WFC Color
WFC Black&White
WFC Black&White
Beak holds more than its belly can
Beak holds more than its belly can
Pelicans ISO3200 (1600+1stopPush)
Pelicans ISO3200 (1600+1stopPush)