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All Infrared

Our best infrared images taken with the SD10. See the captions below each image for technical details.
Turtles and Kois pond
Turtles and Kois pond
Bridge over the pond
Bridge over the pond
Former School house now a gallery
Former School house now a gallery
A hideaway church
A hideaway church
Tea house
Tea house
California Buckeyes' blooming season
California Buckeyes' blooming season
Scheffelstrasse 1
Scheffelstrasse 1
Sepp's Fence
Sepp's Fence
Frog Home
Frog Home
Grass on the Pond
Grass on the Pond
Golden Gates Bridge, another perspective
Golden Gates Bridge, another perspective
Hay Barn
Hay Barn
Somewhat red barn
Somewhat red barn
Eucalyptus Alley
Eucalyptus Alley
St. Anthony
St. Anthony
Pacific's ocean cave
Pacific's ocean cave
IR Panorama
IR Panorama
On the pond pano
On the pond pano
From Here To Eternity...A Journey To The Dark Side
From Here To Eternity...A Journey To The Dark Side
The other side of reality
The other side of reality
layers of leaves
layers of leaves
IMG22076_blue mixed.jpg
IMG22076_blue mixed.jpg