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Fay Stout | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> PAD tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Hmmmm... a photo a day. Definitely a challenge when you work 12 hour shifts, but I will give it a go.

OK... so this has now become a gallery of a photo when I can.
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Theater-goers beware...
Theater-goers beware...
Mr. Grumpy in the garden...
Mr. Grumpy in the garden...
g4/40/855740/3/138205246.nWHXiQry.jpg 70 days of 100 degrees or greater in Dallas
70 days of 100 degrees or greater in Dallas
Happy 70th Birthday to my husband...
Happy 70th Birthday to my husband...
Good morning from Texas!
Good morning from Texas!
It's dinner...
It's dinner...
Heirloom tomatoes
Heirloom tomatoes
Want to take a spin?
Want to take a spin?
Ms. Bailey Bentwhiskers and Lucy...
Ms. Bailey Bentwhiskers and Lucy...
Lotus blossom
Lotus blossom
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