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In step

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Susan Leigh15-Jul-2007 13:20
Moe, Curly and Larry.. hehe
Guest 27-Jun-2007 23:25
Frogmarch ;-)
Guest 26-Jun-2007 19:47
Huhh?? But where's the sea??? :)
VEry cool and crisp shot of those energetic looking guys. Vote.
Guest 25-Jun-2007 03:54
Real men don't have hairs ;-) The place really looks like the Mediterranean coast.
Dave Wixx25-Jun-2007 02:51
Excellent shot. Haven't done that for a long time, but then the Rockies aren't renowned for diving!!
Yvonne25-Jun-2007 02:27
Strong looking men there carrying all that gear! Did any of them
have an underwater camera? At least no one nicked their shoes! vote
Guest 24-Jun-2007 23:01
I'll never complain about carrying camera gear again! ~V~
beverley harrison24-Jun-2007 20:37
that looks heavy!
Zak24-Jun-2007 19:26
the latest fashion round your way?? :D
laine8224-Jun-2007 19:06
Since the Great White Shark eat Seals, why do they insist on wearing black !!!

" Eh mate, got a match ?? "
Johnny JAG24-Jun-2007 17:46
LOL @ Gary, keep a safe distance!
Gary Winters24-Jun-2007 16:43
These guys have some serious gas! :-)
Chris Thorpe24-Jun-2007 15:55
Nice shot! Sooo much easier to just roll off the side of the boat!
Bob White24-Jun-2007 14:34
Great shot and thats a reminder I must give up smoking before I need one of those Lungs V