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Sheila | all galleries >> Photo a Day >> September 2005 > Sept 1. Star drop
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Sept 1. Star drop

This little drop of water was left on the nasturtium leaf
after watering the garden today.
The funny thing was, it didn't adhere to the leaf, it was rolling around
in the breeze like a ball bearing. I was just lucky to catch it.

Canon EOS 300D Digital Rebel , Tamron SP AF 90mm F/2.8
1/800s f/5.6 at 90.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Reflections by Ruth29-Mar-2006 02:26
amazing clarity and color :)
laine8221-Feb-2006 09:15
Well I've never been to that other place before but....Erich has said it, that stupid cow !! How many times has the exif been mentioned..I think that woman has the gun powder all over her hands but will go on claiming she is innocent.
By the way, do you have any Nasturtium leaves you can shoot again to show this is NOT noise but the surface structure of the leaf !!!
Guest 16-Jan-2006 09:59
Wonderful about the tiny Star !
Guest 11-Sep-2005 21:13
Awesome! the light and the reflections are amazing :o)
Guest 09-Sep-2005 14:49
WOW!..splendid..awesome..fantastic..absolute stunner.... i can carry on...
i'm still gaping in wonder
Vote! V V
cheers Sheila
Guest 06-Sep-2005 14:06
Outstanding! Love the small starburst pattern of the sun in the drop! And that continues quite nicely with the venous pattern in this crop. Wonderful detail here as well. Very well done.
Brian McAllister04-Sep-2005 04:18
You nailed this one. Vote.
Guest 03-Sep-2005 12:15
wow!! beautiful capture sheila!! =) definately voted!
Bill Miller02-Sep-2005 20:10
A lovely pearl in the garden...
beverley harrison02-Sep-2005 17:04
excellent water droplet! very sparkly!
Steven Jusczyk02-Sep-2005 06:23
Excellent drop shot! Nicely composed.
Guest 02-Sep-2005 02:21
Magnificent shot! Like the little sparkle in the droplet.
Cindy Flood02-Sep-2005 00:55
I didn't get it until I studied it a little. Very cool.
Guest 02-Sep-2005 00:31
absolutely brilliant!!
Argishti Khachik01-Sep-2005 22:30
WOW! first I didn't noticed what it is. Just needed few seconds till I got it.
Terrific shot! GMV!
Leo Charette01-Sep-2005 21:11
Sheila... you do these droplets so well. Another excellent shot!
René Gysi01-Sep-2005 20:46
Wow..great composition.
JeremyGood01-Sep-2005 20:40
Awesome, gets my vote, it's very special.
Al Chesworth01-Sep-2005 20:26
An exceptional image, gotta get a vote.
Guest 01-Sep-2005 14:37
wonderful shot! the tiny sparc on the drop makes it look so cute!
Larry Ahern01-Sep-2005 14:34
Guest 01-Sep-2005 14:33
Wonderful capture! GMV
tembapix01-Sep-2005 14:29
That is superb! So delicate. Another vote here.
Carey Brown01-Sep-2005 14:26
Got my vote :-)
Guest 01-Sep-2005 14:22
fantastic image! very good composed and great details!
Herb 01-Sep-2005 13:34
Well done
kent larnhill01-Sep-2005 13:11
Great shot!
Yvonne01-Sep-2005 12:03
Wow! Superb! Here's another vote!
Guest 01-Sep-2005 11:43
got my vote. this is beyond amazing.
laine8201-Sep-2005 09:53
Excellent, drop,'s another vote coming your way !
Deepak01-Sep-2005 09:50
Ahh brilliant.Voted
Mike Moats01-Sep-2005 09:33
Very cool image Sheila.Voted
steve mcsweeny01-Sep-2005 09:31
OH,i have to vote;) fantastic shot!
Guest 01-Sep-2005 09:24
i don't know how you did this...but this is wonderful!! novel. gmv.