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white water

Some people are very happy with the recent rains!

Canon EOS 30D ,Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM
1/1000s f/7.1 at 70.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Frank Brault01-Feb-2010 03:20
I can feel the rapids. Splendid color and detail!
j>a>e>17 :):):)27-Feb-2009 13:46
yipppeee yahoooeeee FREEEE tripppin' complimentssss o'sweeet sheila, down under wAnderFULLL heartsinger o'gleee :):):) 17 sillleee splashezzzz back to YOU LIVE :):):)
Guest 25-Feb-2009 14:03
Yes! they to have prepared themselves quite a lot. :) nice action shot.
JW27-Sep-2008 18:43
Nice to see the local commuters reducing their carbon footprint!
shatterbug04-Aug-2008 06:34
Great action shot, and sense of adventure!
Guest 03-Aug-2008 22:50
At least they're not up the creek, without a paddle ;-)
Yvonne02-Aug-2008 13:07
Wow! Lots of action happening there Sheila! Superb capture! v
Susan Leigh02-Aug-2008 12:19
You have captured them well, great shot!!
hehe..great minds!!!
s_barbour02-Aug-2008 12:16
Magnificent, sharp image Shelia...looks like fun!
Nicki Thurgar02-Aug-2008 08:55
They look like they're having fun, but I hope this isn't in your back garden! ;o)
Phillip Normanton02-Aug-2008 08:02
But the paddles work better when they're in the water? lol
Herb 02-Aug-2008 03:30
Nice action shot
Gayle P. Clement02-Aug-2008 03:14
I didn't say what a great photo and nice capture of the action this is.
Gayle P. Clement02-Aug-2008 03:13
They look like they're having fun. I used to love whitewater rafting until an adventure a couple of years ago.
laine8202-Aug-2008 03:09
Good of them to come dressed in bright shades...makes a great shot
pr_rajan02-Aug-2008 01:59
Robin Reid02-Aug-2008 01:58
Dramatic and well done.