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Sheila Smart | all galleries >> Galleries >> Bespoke duvet or doona covers and matching throw cushions > Lioness portrait
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31-JUL-2005 ©Sheila Smart

Lioness portrait

Prints available in Europe at Artflakes
Please email me for pricing.

Photography Prints

Canon EOS 20D ,Canon EF 135mm f/2L USM
1/400s f/5.0 at 135.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 06-Jun-2010 00:17
wow, stunning image and pin sharp throughout - amazing!
Guest 02-Feb-2010 06:23
How did you get the reflected lighting on her chin?? Were you close enough for a reflector? V!
Barry Liimakka23-Jun-2008 13:31
You capture her subtle majesty. V