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Sheena Woodhead | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Pbase Meet York 2007 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Pbase Meet York 2007

My first Pbase meet-up and what a great time I had. Many thanks to Neil for organising it and for being such a good guide.
Carriage Wheel
Carriage Wheel
Beautiful Leaves....
Beautiful Leaves....
John Waine...
John Waine...
Ann and Gail...
Ann and Gail...
Ann and Gail...
Ann and Gail...
Lady Rowers
Lady Rowers
Phillip and Ann...
Phillip and Ann...
A View down the River
A View down the River
Deep in Discussion!
Deep in Discussion!
Autumn Leaves
Autumn Leaves
Old Building?
Old Building?
g3/33/487133/3/88684138.OeBpAB5N.jpg Nicky...
Down with the Leaves!
Down with the Leaves!
Museum Gardens
Museum Gardens
Museum Gardens
Museum Gardens
Beautiful Roots
Beautiful Roots
Museum Gardens
Museum Gardens
Shadowy Characters!
Shadowy Characters!
Post Office Delivery Bicycle
Post Office Delivery Bicycle
Neil and his Shadow
Neil and his Shadow
The Wheel
The Wheel