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Serena Bowles | profile | all galleries >> Miscellaneous >> My Photo-a-Day Gallery >> February '06 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

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February '06

Well another month spent in India, where I've been lucky enough to have some great photographic opportunities. Most of this month was spent in Goa, and highlights included a long walk I took along the coast, and the carnival at Arambol. I hope you enjoy.

certainly while I'm away, at least.

Prints of some of my photos are now available for sale at my very own website Serenity Photography, or alternatively contact me direct at You can keep abreast of my travels by visiting my website. Enjoy.
1/2/06 Temple-Top Chai-Wallah
1/2/06 Temple-Top Chai-Wallah
2/2/06 Is That Safe?
2/2/06 Is That Safe?
3/2/06 Forty Winks
3/2/06 Forty Winks
4/2/06 Pineapple Head
4/2/06 Pineapple Head
5/2/06 Stealing Coconut
5/2/06 Stealing Coconut
6/2/06 Cheaper than Diesel
6/2/06 Cheaper than Diesel
7/2/06 Sunbathing
7/2/06 Sunbathing
8/2/06 Boats
8/2/06 Boats
9/2/06 The Sun Goes Down
9/2/06 The Sun Goes Down
10/2/06 Apart
10/2/06 Apart
11/2/06 Sweeping the Beach
11/2/06 Sweeping the Beach
12/2/06 He Can Do it Standing on his Head
12/2/06 He Can Do it Standing on his Head
13/2/06 Lucky Catch
13/2/06 Lucky Catch
14/2/06 Reflections
14/2/06 Reflections
15/2/06 I Made That!
15/2/06 I Made That!
16/2/06 Scaring the Children
16/2/06 Scaring the Children
17/2/06 Taking Off
17/2/06 Taking Off
18/2/06 Playing Nicely
18/2/06 Playing Nicely
19/2/06 Fancy Fin-Work
19/2/06 Fancy Fin-Work
20/2/06 Fearless Bull Hunters
20/2/06 Fearless Bull Hunters
21/2/06 More Nudity
21/2/06 More Nudity
22/2/06 Messy Fruit
22/2/06 Messy Fruit
23/2/06 Banana Peel Strikes Again
23/2/06 Banana Peel Strikes Again
24/2/06 Handstand
24/2/06 Handstand
25/2/06 Cathy Goes Shopping
25/2/06 Cathy Goes Shopping
26/3/06 Resting
26/3/06 Resting
27/3/06 Strange Characters
27/3/06 Strange Characters
28/2/06 Three Little Piggies
28/2/06 Three Little Piggies