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I've always love photography.

When I was young kid, I had the chance of enjoying the many commercial photopgraphy books owned by my dear eldest brother who was working in advertisement line. I was really fascinated with the work of art through photography. I'd once had chance of laying my hands on his Mamiya SLR camera. I thoroughly enjoyed that one session of film photography, shooting chicks, trying low light shoot and even multi exposure shot. It was expensive for me but worth the while. Well, mind you a roll of 36 shots plus processing is pricing for a student.

Now many years has gone by and things has changed so much. This exciting era of digital camera and software. I have renewed my interest in photography. I consider myself as a newborn in digital photography. This will be the place I will grow and I know I can grow with good comments from great people. So, kindly leave your comment and suggestions as I would grow and transform with inputs from you.

Thank you for visiting my gallery.
Yulia Intan
:: Yulia Intan ::
:: Inky ::
Rinnie I
:: Rinnie I ::
Inky II
:: Inky II ::
Rinnie II
:: Rinnie II ::
Nepal Jewelry Photoshoot
:: Nepal Jewelry Photoshoot ::