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Selvin Chance | all galleries >> Galleries >> Tropical fruits and Veggies > Bananas
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Cavendish Bananas are the most common variety found in your local supermarkets in North America and most of the world.
This is unfortunate since the are many, many, other edible varieties with taste to suit just about any palate.

Olympus C-730UZ
1/125s f/3.2 at 11.8mm iso64 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Anna Yu10-Mar-2009 18:26
Eyecatching lighting.
Helen Betts28-Feb-2009 16:52
Very effective perspective, nice light and composition as well.
Guest 26-Jul-2007 19:52
Great photo. Love the light.
Guest 29-Aug-2005 07:13
wonderful lighting ..looks almost real.. so appetizing
Guest 20-May-2004 02:58
Very nice lighting on this shot.
Guest 18-Jan-2004 17:54
good idea...nice photo..