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Scott Shafer | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails
Joshua Shafer
:: Joshua Shafer ::
:: emily ::
Various Family Gatherings
:: Various Family Gatherings ::
:: the_shafer_family ::
Our Nephew Lance :)
:: Our Nephew Lance :) ::
Our Niece Sienna
:: Our Niece Sienna ::
My 30 gallon reef tank
:: My 30 gallon reef tank ::
Eric's 50 Gallon Cube Reef Tank
:: Eric's 50 Gallon Cube Reef Tank ::
Fire Fighting Training
:: Fire Fighting Training ::
Vacation and Camping photos
:: Vacation and Camping photos ::
 In Box
::  In Box ::
My favorite photos
:: My favorite photos ::
Various Animals
:: Various Animals ::
Motorsport Racing
:: Motorsport Racing ::
Sunsets and Sunrise
:: Sunsets and Sunrise ::
Examples of post processing
:: Examples of post processing ::
Learning portrait photography
:: Learning portrait photography ::
:: boats ::
:: Airplanes ::
:: scott ::
New Digital Rebel
:: New Digital Rebel ::
The Highway Community Generation Couples Photos
:: The Highway Community Generation Couples Photos ::
Derek Ramsey and Stephanie Good Wedding
:: Derek Ramsey and Stephanie Good Wedding ::
Various RC plane photos
:: Various RC plane photos ::
:: reef ::