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Christopher Schardt | profile | all galleries >> Projects >> Ping >> Design tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Burning Man 2003 | Burning Man 2002 | 4th of July | Design | Full Views | Nose | Tail | Deck | Periscope | Squirt | Interior | Engine | Van | Studio


Drawing 1.jpg
Drawing 1.jpg
Drawing 4.jpg
Drawing 4.jpg
Model Building.jpg
Model Building.jpg
Model Orginal Nose 2.jpg
Model Orginal Nose 2.jpg
Drawing 5.jpg
Drawing 5.jpg
Model Left.jpg
Model Left.jpg
Model Right.jpg
Model Right.jpg
Model Front.jpg
Model Front.jpg
Model Rear.jpg
Model Rear.jpg
Model Rotating.gif
Model Rotating.gif