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Sandy Fleischmann | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> sigma_sd10_photos tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
Please also see other galleries, Lake Tahoe gallery, Squaw Creek gallery, Washington, DC Sigma SD10, etc. Now Sigma SD10 photos are mixed in to all currently updated galleries, as are photos with the new (March 2007) Sigma SD14.
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Moth, flower, Meadowlark Gardens, VA IMG00011.jpg
Moth, flower, Meadowlark Gardens, VA IMG00011.jpg
:: sigma_sd10_2004_gallery ::
:: sigma_sd10_2005_gallery ::
IMG04523.jpg Ray at Oliver Winery
IMG04523.jpg Ray at Oliver Winery
IMG05806.jpg San Francisco Grays
IMG05806.jpg San Francisco Grays
IMG05855.jpg Sausalito ferry
IMG05855.jpg Sausalito ferry
IMG05809.jpg Muir Woods (see notes)
IMG05809.jpg Muir Woods (see notes)
IMG05962.jpg Hercules
IMG05962.jpg Hercules
IMG05987.jpg Nice day weather contrast
IMG05987.jpg Nice day weather contrast
IMG06006.jpg Golden Gate sunset (see notes)
IMG06006.jpg Golden Gate sunset (see notes)
IMG06043.jpg El Capitan over Yosemite Valley
IMG06043.jpg El Capitan over Yosemite Valley
IMG06044.jpg Yosemite El Capitan Half Dome Three Brothers
IMG06044.jpg Yosemite El Capitan Half Dome Three Brothers
IMG06049.jpg Bridal Veil Falls
IMG06049.jpg Bridal Veil Falls
IMG06058.jpg looking left from #6065 (see notes)
IMG06058.jpg looking left from #6065 (see notes)
IMG06065.jpg meadow Yosemite Falls (dry)
IMG06065.jpg meadow Yosemite Falls (dry)
IMG06088.jpg Merced, Half Dome
IMG06088.jpg Merced, Half Dome
IMG06088.jpg reprocessed version, more naturalistic
IMG06088.jpg reprocessed version, more naturalistic
IMG06115.jpg Yosemite El Capitan rockclimbers 105mm EX (see notes)
IMG06115.jpg Yosemite El Capitan rockclimbers 105mm EX (see notes)
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