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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Warm Autumn Colors > Through the Mist
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12-OCT-2007 Sandi Whitteker

Through the Mist

White Mountains, New Hampshire

other sizes: small medium original auto
Jess. ( Lady.D.)11-Dec-2007 02:52
Well framed with the layer of mist and colour in the foreground...
monil11-Dec-2007 01:48
la transparence est superbe.
Denis Vincelette10-Dec-2007 22:48
Magic Sandi with this ambiance, it is a magical place ... You got eyes you .... :-)
marie-jose wolff10-Dec-2007 21:09
wonderful misty composition! V
Nick Powell10-Dec-2007 20:31
Superb mood, well captured. V
Guest 10-Dec-2007 19:44
Wonderful view thro the mist..excellent, Sandi!
jlm10-Dec-2007 19:15
Belles couleurs de brume
Gerard Koehl10-Dec-2007 16:24
Magnifique rendu de l'ambiance avec cette brume. V
Gayle P. Clement10-Dec-2007 15:08
Beautiful, Sandi. That layer of mist makes a most unusual shot.
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