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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Spectacular ANTELOPE CANYON > Shot 1 - Beam Series... the Beam Begins
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30-MAY-2007 Sandi Whitteker

Shot 1 - Beam Series... the Beam Begins

Antelope Canyon, Arizona

Progression of three shots for you to experience the beams as I did... from just beginning to appear as a fine line, to the full beam. Magic!

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Claude Martin05-Feb-2008 07:26
Wonderful shot... looks fantastic and unreal! V
Guest 25-Aug-2007 02:44
Very interesting set of three. If you have a few more from the set I would suggest putting them together in an animated GIF for something like this:
Guest 25-Aug-2007 02:18
Beautiful Shot v
peterjay4524-Aug-2007 21:48
Yes, magic indeed, Sandi and a beautiful shot. V.
Jola Dziubinska24-Aug-2007 21:12
Gorgeous image, mystical and fantastic. Vote.
Guest 24-Aug-2007 20:03
This is one of the true wonders of Antelope Cyn, excellent..v
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