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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Carson City Living > The Illusive Quail
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12-JAN-2013 Sandi Whitteker

The Illusive Quail

Carson City, NV

Three very cute and very fat quail, stop running around
fora bit. Maybe they're enjoying the snowy view.

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Allan Jay08-Feb-2015 20:04
Glad I didn't miss this one, Sandi. Love the light and leading lines the quail displaying this unique trio format. (V)
Marisa Livet31-Dec-2013 09:49
Lovely capture, I didn't see it yet. I should peruse your galleries with time on my side to enjoy your style, your subjects and your compositions as they deserve
Bert Ooms22-Dec-2013 22:13
Fantastic setting! Wonderful picture!
V best, Bert
Ken Chambers ARPS19-Dec-2013 20:55
Fantastic picture, Sandi
Stephanie16-Dec-2013 13:20
How adorable! BV
This would make a pretty Christmas card! :)
Peter Sussex15-Dec-2013 19:56
They look so adorable in their fatty winter coat. V
vifut15-Dec-2013 17:38
Beautiful winter picture (V)
Daniel Sarrazin15-Dec-2013 17:10
So beautiful Sandi!
danad15-Dec-2013 09:07
Superb light and details. V.
olivier bruning15-Dec-2013 08:30
wonderful catch! v
Martin Lamoon15-Dec-2013 08:26
Brilliant photography Sandi. A wonderful scene.
Astrid Taen15-Dec-2013 08:23
Great shot! V
lou_rozensteins15-Dec-2013 07:45
Terrific shot in great light!
Gerard Koehl15-Dec-2013 07:38
Excellente prise. V
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