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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Festival of Sail > A Touch of Realism
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Sept 5, 2011 Sandi Whitteker

A Touch of Realism

San Diego, CA

This gent was sporting some very authentic period clothes. Most of his uniform is from the actual clothes
worn in the movie Master and Commander, and we are standing on the HMS Surprize, built for that movie.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Yiannis Pavlis27-Sep-2011 01:35
I love that photo and the choice of saturation.V
Esa Ervasti26-Sep-2011 08:15
Excellent idea of treatment, looks really good!
Alejandro09-Sep-2011 14:37
awesome pic, well done. vote
Guest 08-Sep-2011 21:39
Like the treatment with this great image..V
Patricia Kay08-Sep-2011 16:01
Fabulous timeless image Sandi...BV
Astrid Taen08-Sep-2011 14:51
Nicely aged
Stephanie08-Sep-2011 14:42
How fun! You're staying on this ship? Wow!
Great, gritty image Sandi! V
Giancarlo Guzzardi08-Sep-2011 07:30
splendid treatment, perfect old age
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