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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Winter Along Scenic Highway 395-Tahoe or Bust > Clouds Roll Over the Eastern Sierras
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02-JAN-2009 Sandi Whitteker

Clouds Roll Over the Eastern Sierras

Highway 395, California

Storm's coming, and the first clouds roll over the mountains near Mammoth.

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Long Bach Nguyen27-Jan-2014 19:06
Beautiful landscape image, love the snow on the brown landscacpe
Michel CORBOZ15-May-2011 23:46
Great landscape ! V
January Grey29-Apr-2011 09:08
Astounding beauty! A terrific composition!
Guest 23-Apr-2011 14:08
Great Shot! V
Rob Oele20-Apr-2011 09:26
Beautiful. V
Jess. ( Lady.D.)18-Apr-2011 18:23
Excellent detail and composition Sandi

Guest 18-Apr-2011 15:34
Beautiful image, Sandi. Looks very cold. Good to see you back. V
CM Kwan18-Apr-2011 09:34
Love the amazing tones, Sandi! V
Bartosz Kotulski18-Apr-2011 07:22
such an amazing view. want to be there right now
Glenn Dean (Vatorman)18-Apr-2011 04:00
Makes for a perfect pano with the contrasts of weather rolling across the scene. V
Guest 18-Apr-2011 00:10
lou_rozensteins17-Apr-2011 23:47
Beautiful view. Very well done.
Cindi Smith17-Apr-2011 23:37
Peter Sussex17-Apr-2011 20:39
Terrific beauty and greatly cropped. BV
Wolfgang Bluhm17-Apr-2011 20:15
Excellent panoramic landscape shot.
FrankB17-Apr-2011 18:58
dramatic scene....V
Dan Greenberg17-Apr-2011 16:45
Fantastic pano shot Sandi! Very nicely done. ~V~
Guest 17-Apr-2011 15:46
A very nice scenic, like the pano format...
Earl Arboneaux 17-Apr-2011 14:03
Just beautiful, Sandi....Well done..V
Jim Coffman17-Apr-2011 12:35
Sandi, this is beautiful!
Toney Smith17-Apr-2011 12:33
Good one Sandi!
Tom Briggs17-Apr-2011 12:00
fredrcox17-Apr-2011 11:30
A beauty, Sandi!
Guest 17-Apr-2011 10:04
HIIIIII Sandy, welcome back, and a wonderful image, view, mood and landscape.
Gerard Koehl17-Apr-2011 07:49
Magnifique paysage... V
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