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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Winter Along Scenic Highway 395-Tahoe or Bust > Contrasts of Winter
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Highway 39 Sandi Whitteker

Contrasts of Winter

Do love the rusty colors against the white, mixed in with some long morning shadows.

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Paula Krugerud16-Mar-2010 16:00
I love this too...winter scenes can be so dramatic with such contrasting colors. Fantastic shot!
marko gregoric16-Feb-2010 12:42
Wonderful winter scene and very nice image. V.
John Reynolds LRPS15-Feb-2010 17:19
Excellent winter scene.
Ali Majdfar14-Feb-2010 07:56
Superb capture! ~V
Marcia Rules11-Feb-2010 00:24
very lovely vertical image. Nice exposure control and use of shadows..V
peterjay4511-Feb-2010 00:10
Very nicely composed, Sandi, it's lovely. V.
Chad Ramsey09-Feb-2010 15:42
Such a lovely shot of this winter scene~V
Aivar Mikko09-Feb-2010 06:28
Beautiful composition and light.
Bryan Murahashi09-Feb-2010 04:43
Beautiful light for this still Winter scene. V
Carol Rollins09-Feb-2010 02:55
Beautiful composition Sandi. I love those shadows in the foreground. ~
gerard belbeoch08-Feb-2010 10:14
Wonderful image Chris..
globalgadabout06-Feb-2010 18:42
yes those rusty colours are great in this light...and the shadows echo the deep blue of the river...V
Guest 06-Feb-2010 16:38
A nice winter scene...
Cindi Smith06-Feb-2010 03:57
Just beautiful/
lou_rozensteins05-Feb-2010 22:47
It all looks so fresh and clean, and the colour and composition are great. Well done.
Guest 05-Feb-2010 21:27
Excellent composition and bneautiful light. BV
Peter Sussex05-Feb-2010 21:01
Wonderful long shadows and so is the view. Fine work Sandi!
Patricia Kay05-Feb-2010 16:53
Beautiful winter scene Sandi...BV
Gerard Koehl05-Feb-2010 12:59
Très joli paysage. V
Randy Adams05-Feb-2010 11:36
Beautiful composition Sandi! love the stream, foot of the mountains, shadows! V
marie-jose wolff05-Feb-2010 10:18
beautiful landscape with nice morning shadows! V
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