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Sandi Whitteker | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Christmas Card Designs tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Christmas Card Designs

Happy Holidays to you all. Please enjoy my 2014 Christmas card collection. All cards are created from my scenic and wildlife photos.

Christmas cards can be ordered retail or wholesale to stores and gift shops.
Retail pricing is $3.50 each, plus shipping if you're not
living in the Reno, NV area. I do give a discount for larger orders.
Please call or email me to make an order and for wholesale pricing at
619-987-7232 (cell phone)
Quail in a snowy tree
Quail in a snowy tree
Mrs. Quail
Mrs. Quail
Doe in Snow
Doe in Snow
Red Roof Green Roof
Red Roof Green Roof
Plump Quail - arty
Plump Quail - arty
Peace Doe
Peace Doe
Bah Humbug!
Bah Humbug!
A Fish Tail
A Fish Tail
Christmas Cowboy
Christmas Cowboy
Christmas Cottage
Christmas Cottage
Snow Stag - Peace, Love and Joy...
Snow Stag - Peace, Love and Joy...
Winter Quail.jpg
Winter Quail.jpg
Ice Breaker - Happy Holidays!
Ice Breaker - Happy Holidays!
Ice Breaker - Merry Christmas
Ice Breaker - Merry Christmas
Snow Stag - Season's Greetings
Snow Stag - Season's Greetings
Carson River Christmas
Carson River Christmas
Santa Train
Santa Train
Lake View
Lake View
Fleisch Flumes on Ice - May beauty and blessing fill your life...
Fleisch Flumes on Ice - May beauty and blessing fill your life...
Fleisch Flumes Season's Greetings
Fleisch Flumes Season's Greetings
Fleisch Flumes Old Time
Fleisch Flumes Old Time
Fleisch Flumes in Ice
Fleisch Flumes in Ice
Foal Love
Foal Love
Moss on Ice
Moss on Ice
Santa Train - Old Time
Santa Train - Old Time
Old Time Santa Train
Old Time Santa Train
Plump Quail
Plump Quail
Plump Quail Old Time
Plump Quail Old Time
Wild in Winter Wonderland.jpg
Wild in Winter Wonderland.jpg
Winter Reflections
Winter Reflections
Winter Wren
Winter Wren