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Samir Kharusi | all galleries >> Galleries >> Markarian's Chain > Pixel Peeping at 100pct
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10Mar2005 Samir Kharusi

Pixel Peeping at 100pct

Quriyat, Oman

Yes, indeed there's a pixel peeper in all of us. I should not disappoint. Here are 1:1 crops at 100%, if you click on "original". The full image will require a monitor 140+cm wide! Not too bad for a camera lens, unguided, wide open. There are in fact some gullwings visible on the brightest stars near the corners. I really ought to learn how to contrast-stretch without introducing too much star-bloat. Before the extreme contrast stretching the stars look reasonably round (i.e. apart from slight misalignments when stacking 88 unguided frames). This region of the sky has few bright stars (looking away from the Milky Way); hence a lot of the fuzzier "stars" turn out to be galaxies upon closer examination. E.g. check out that NGC4440 and NGC4431 on the right. Problem with galaxies is most are very far away and consequently quite dim. E.g. NGC4431 is Magnitude 13.8 while the brighter M88 with its nice spiral structure is Magnitude 10.3.
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