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Samir Kharusi | all galleries >> Galleries >> Old Zanzibar+Dar > Secondary School Teachers circa 1955?
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Secondary School Teachers circa 1955?

If somebody has a large scan of this photo please email it to me and I will label the individuals for the greater good of mankind. I enlarged a small scan I got via email. See if you can identify any. The following have been suggested:
Sholapoukar, Ibrahim Kassim, Shaaban Saleh Farsi, Aboud Jumbe, Khakoo, Naik, Desai, Juma Aley, Mohd Salim Jinja, Qureshi, Davies, Ahmed Abdulrahman (Machungwa) looking very young (next to Aboud Jumbe & Khakoo), Said Hilal Bualy. Can you identify any more?

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other sizes: small medium large original auto
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MehtaS 10-Feb-2011 09:15
The photograph sems earlier than 1955 could be 1954/3 but not eaRLIER AS MR dAVIS WAS THAN PRINCIPLA OF ESM
I can mark out Mr Davies, Mr Khakoo, Mr Quereshi, Mr Naik, Mr Dsai, and well my class teacher Mr aboud Jumbe and the art teacher whose name I cannot recall and thge physics teacher and there were no ladies in 1958. The last year of the school known as Govt Boys Secondary School opposite Mnazi Mouza beore shifting to sateni new building and name change to King George VI School. and I cannot locate Mr Jubair the biology teacher. but I cam make a good guess and also Mr Madan WHO CAME OVER IN 1955 FOM ESM. There would be Pasco who later on became Peincipal of Agakhan school in 57/58