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Ruth Voorhis | all galleries >> Galleries >> Galena, Illinois > Victorian House
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21-APR-2010 Ruth Voorhis

Victorian House

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 31-May-2010 00:37
Beautiful old house
Ann21-May-2010 16:34
Fantastic architecture.
Paul Milholland20-May-2010 02:22
Wonderful old house.
joseantonio18-May-2010 16:22
Beautiful construction
Guest 17-May-2010 23:25
Bea.17-May-2010 06:27
Absolutely a most beautiful home.
fotabug17-May-2010 00:45
wow, do I ever love this house
Guest 16-May-2010 22:12
Wonderful architecture
paplvr16-May-2010 22:04
Quite an old historic area. Looks to be under repairs or preparation for something with those ladders. It almost looks like New Orleans style. Linda S
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