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Yves Rubin | all galleries >> Galleries >> Los Angeles > Coquette
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Melrose Avenue - Hollywood

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Buba Jafarli26-Jun-2010 12:33
Perfectly composed! V.
Raymond Ma17-Nov-2009 05:30
Love this lady of the shadow! V
Ilene Nova17-Nov-2009 04:42
I love this. It's striking in its simplicity. The shadows make it!
lisamidi16-Nov-2009 22:25
Superbe image! v
Guest 15-Nov-2009 16:08
très bon !
bill friedlander15-Nov-2009 03:04
Excellent shot. V
12314-Nov-2009 21:51
Fantastic. V
monil14-Nov-2009 18:30
Excellent et coquin!
H2M14-Nov-2009 17:13
Very clever! V
Gerard Koehl14-Nov-2009 07:49
Superbe prise... V