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Shibumi's 2007 Winter Cruise

The word "shibumi" is a Japanese term that means 'eloquent silence'.
It can also mean 'understated beauty' or 'great refinement underlying commonplace appearances'.

Our Shibumi is a Caribbean Sailing Yacht, CSY44.
It's true name should be "In Search of Shibumi".
Too many words to paint on the transom.
We simply call her "Shibumi".

Click here for my on-line journal: AS I SEE IT

:: Preparation ::
g6/93/44993/3/73545692.j4ktrVku.jpg Racing the weather.
:: Racing the weather. ::
Racing the weather II
:: Racing the weather II ::
Vero Beach aka Velcro Beach
:: Vero Beach aka Velcro Beach ::
Sailing Offshore to Miami
:: Sailing Offshore to Miami ::
Miami - Superbowl Weekend
:: Miami - Superbowl Weekend ::
Last Night in Miami
:: Last Night in Miami ::
Crossing to the Bahamas
:: Crossing to the Bahamas ::
Nassau Bahamas
:: Nassau Bahamas ::
Nassau to Norman's Cay
:: Nassau to Norman's Cay ::
Norman's Cay
:: Norman's Cay ::
Shroud Cay
:: Shroud Cay ::
Leaving Shroud
:: Leaving Shroud ::
:: Mailboat ::
People, Places and Things
:: People, Places and Things ::
George Town: Adult Winter Camp
:: George Town: Adult Winter Camp ::
Global Warming?
:: Global Warming? ::
Waiting in GeorgeTown
:: Waiting in GeorgeTown ::
Visiting Eleuthera
:: Visiting Eleuthera ::
Eleuthera - The Glass Window
:: Eleuthera - The Glass Window ::
Preacher's Cave - Eleuthera
:: Preacher's Cave - Eleuthera ::
Eleuthera - A Hasty Departure
:: Eleuthera - A Hasty Departure ::
Looking for Shelter
:: Looking for Shelter ::
Little Harbor Abaco
:: Little Harbor Abaco ::
The Abacos
:: The Abacos ::
Crossing Back to the States
:: Crossing Back to the States ::
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