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Rosemarie Kusserow | all galleries >> Galleries >> Luzie > Sunbathing
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Canon PowerShot S40
1/10s f/2.8 at 7.1mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 28-Jul-2010 21:31
LOL- My cats love the sink too.
Michaval20-Jan-2010 12:31
Amazing photo. My cat is simily. V
Martin Schiff08-Jan-2010 04:07
Very nice. You caught some beautiful light.
Sarah Rehfeldt22-Dec-2009 21:13
Too funny!
BleuEvanescence21-Dec-2009 07:24
Too would want to put him there, he would refuse.
But, when they choose a spot...they keep it!
Anything for a sunray...
zyziza17-Oct-2009 07:59
Best place for watching my lady!
Jason Anderson17-Oct-2009 03:18
Still my favorite, what a cutie :o)
Pawel15-May-2009 14:45
Sweet capture :)
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)16-Mar-2009 19:28
Yoga? :)
Jason Anderson10-Jan-2009 12:06
Beautiful capture of a very pretty cat! I saw your comment on Gene Ward's sink photo...there is obviously something going on with cats and sinks :o)
Guest 29-Nov-2008 16:24
My cat loves the same place.. funny shot :)
Serkan Duzler27-Sep-2008 22:17
Hahhahaa, superb.
hotsytotsy16-Aug-2008 04:07
a stitch in time..a great moment ..~V~hxxx
leelou07-Jun-2008 13:27
:-)) ... Good light, good spot, soooo cuuute ! V
Roland14-May-2008 14:51
I love this fantastic image. Big vote
Marvin Lee01-Mar-2008 09:42
Great! v!
Diane Wu05-Jan-2008 07:51
What a cuties she is!
Kathy Pilgrim06-Nov-2007 11:17
Absolutely precious!!!!! V
Susanne v. Schroeder31-Oct-2007 23:19
They always find the best spots! Beautiful picture.
Guest 27-Sep-2007 05:17
Sooooo cute!
Guest 23-Aug-2007 08:04
My cat does this too, plus many others I've seen now!
Lloyd & Sandy Spitalnik14-Jun-2007 23:49
Thanks for putting a smile on my face! Very cute shot. S&L
Linda Willets12-May-2007 20:01
my fav of all of them
Andrew Vincent06-May-2007 10:54
Forgot to VOTE last time! VOTE!
Guest 23-Nov-2006 19:52
amazing shot! love the way the cat is enjoying the sun over his (her?) face, and how is he sit into the bath!! beautiful.
Andrew Vincent18-Nov-2006 02:56
Very nice framing! Really nice fun shot!
Bryan Murahashi08-Nov-2006 03:43
Very comfortable and cute shot.
Andrew04-Sep-2006 17:02
Well it seems you have a sunbather too, Rosemarie! Very cute. I love cats and enjoyed this entire gallery. On this one I might have wished for even more of the sink basin. cute!
Kathy Pilgrim31-Aug-2006 13:37
Melts your heart adorable!!! Just love it.
Guest 11-Aug-2006 04:56
waiting for a shower.
Guest 21-Jul-2006 22:00
A great cat shot! ZM
akleja18-Jul-2006 06:49
Wendy O17-Jul-2006 21:53
Great shot...lots of personality here! Thanks for visiting my galleries.
Rody Graumans16-Jul-2006 11:47
Ahh, she's sweet!
Guest 14-Jul-2006 19:22
i told you he is a wicked cat - there you go!!:)
Guest 12-Jul-2006 11:26
Joaquim Fonseca08-Jul-2006 23:29
Wow, cuttest photo. Well done!
Fabienne29-Jun-2006 21:39
:-)) excellent.
Sharon Rogers27-Jun-2006 07:39
hehe perfect shape, just don't turn on the tap!
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