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Rosemarie Kusserow | all galleries >> Galleries >> My garden > Flower power
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Flower power

Canon PowerShot S40
1/125s f/4.9 at 21.3mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
shatterbug01-Sep-2011 06:16
Nicely composed, and beautiful colors and details!
Chad Ramsey21-Oct-2008 01:45
What a pretty cluster of these~V
Michele 17-Sep-2008 14:07
You are an excellent person when enjoying your beautiful gallery of flowers. May I ask how old are you? and how long have you had your gallery on show. Very beautiful! Michele.
Yiannis Pavlis27-Jul-2007 13:50
splendid color and awesome detail. well presented. v
Maxim Popykin17-Jul-2007 09:20
beautiful bouquet
Lloyd & Sandy Spitalnik05-Jul-2007 00:39
Wonderful image Rosemarie! Great colors and very beautiful flowers. Nice framing too. S&L
Rob Rosetti22-Jun-2007 11:40
Nice! Really nice! :)
silvia marmori15-Jun-2007 22:13
so vivid colours, so beautiful image V
Wei O'Connell17-May-2007 04:35
Beautiful. Perfect shot in everyway. vote
CIS27-Apr-2007 22:46
How gorgeous and vibrant this is...beautiful comp!
southernshots9913-Apr-2007 12:39
This is so vibrant and beautiful. Wonderful! V
Naomi 16-Feb-2007 14:40
Beautiful bouquet. Love the yellow colour. GMV
Bea.25-Jul-2006 11:46
Brilliant. I love this colour mix.
TS. Bok08-Jul-2006 02:10
Lovely shot.
Rosemarie Kusserow21-Jun-2006 15:10
I´m glad you like it dear Fong, thanks for the kind words, regards, Rosemarie :-)
Fong Lam21-Jun-2006 13:25
Dear Rosemarie, this is a magnificient image, almost like a painting. The beautiful green frame enhances the image further. Bravo!
Rosemarie Kusserow24-May-2006 20:02
Thanks dear Jose Paulo, I´m happy abut your kind words, regards Rosemarie :-)
Jose Paulo Andrade23-May-2006 13:28
This one is my favorite of your flower gallery, so far! :-)
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