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Jean-Luc Rollier | all galleries >> ::: INTO THE WORLD... >> Live to Pingyao,China. > China. Live to Pingyao
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©Jean-Luc Rollier

China. Live to Pingyao

Part of my gallery

"Live to Pingyao"

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Ceya20-May-2010 19:23
Beautiful detail, great composition with the pagoda in the background..Lovely shot. V!
Lee G19-May-2010 02:31
Colorful and dramatic composition with the vivid red lanterns up front. Nicely captured!
Marina Arimany15-May-2010 23:37
Très belle composition et coleur.
Zaid Kurdi30-Apr-2010 08:54
Wonderful capture Jean-Luc.....Amazing composition,colors and details....V.
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