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Gary Robertshaw | all galleries >> Galleries >> Coast Guard Motor Lifeboat vs. big wave > Vertical
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04-DEC-2007 ©2007 by Gary Robertshaw


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I've never seen one get to this point; while I lost sight of it for a few seconds, I believe it either went completely over, or went sideways.

Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ50
1/1000s f/8.0 at 88.8mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
T. Fiet 30-Apr-2014 13:00
A wonderful, thrilling shot. I tried twice to find my way onto a boat like this-wanted to serve as a CC chaplain-didn't work out. Had a friend tell me that this is what I do anyway as a pastor, at least metaphorically. Thank you ever so much for these photographs. Love to buy a copy for my dry-as-a-bone bookcase. T. Fiet
Guest 30-Dec-2007 23:54
Will you sell a print? I love this...

EW 18-Dec-2007 21:32
God Bless the crew and the Coast Guard!!
Guest 18-Dec-2007 18:00
What a TIMING! GREAT shot! Good to bring your camera every now and then - huh .... WOW! BV
Bonnie 16-Dec-2007 15:06
Holy Toledo, Batman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maelstrom 14-Dec-2007 18:00
Guest 13-Dec-2007 04:09
Bill & Carolyn Hilton10-Dec-2007 04:17
Great shot! GMV B
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