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Gary Robertshaw | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Just Browsing tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Just Browsing

An assortment of photos, most taken with an Olympus C2100uz.

Old photos, new photos, a collection from different categories, some that just needed a home.
Panoramas at the end.

Crowded bridge
Crowded bridge
Steller's Jay
Steller's Jay
Barnacle family portrait
Barnacle family portrait
Passing gull
Passing gull
Last Stage West
Last Stage West
Big Sur coastline
Big Sur coastline
Commercial fishing boats
Commercial fishing boats
Enjoying the view
Enjoying the view
A set of three
A set of three
Speed bump
Speed bump
Vulture at the swap meet
Vulture at the swap meet
Downtown theatre district
Downtown theatre district
Eager hiker
Eager hiker
Herb shop
Herb shop
Outbound freighter
Outbound freighter
Not in MY back yard...
Not in MY back yard...
Appreciative audience
Appreciative audience
Where pirates eat
Where pirates eat
Elfin forest oak tree
Elfin forest oak tree
Point of view
Point of view
Morro Bay July sunset
Morro Bay July sunset
When things are slow...
When things are slow...
Aermotor windmill
Aermotor windmill
California poppies
California poppies
At the theatre
At the theatre
backlit field
backlit field
Shiver me timbers
Shiver me timbers
California gull
California gull
Sailboat harbor (infrared)
Sailboat harbor (infrared)
Pause to ponder
Pause to ponder
Backlit flower
Backlit flower
Life is good
Life is good
Globetrotters - the spin
Globetrotters - the spin
Globetrotters - serious
Globetrotters - serious
A sandy schnauzer
A sandy schnauzer
Almost there
Almost there
Soupy ride
Soupy ride
Morro Bay and no wetsuit?
Morro Bay and no wetsuit?
My new pal
My new pal
Photographer's dream, neutral gray seagull
Photographer's dream, neutral gray seagull
Lazy, hazy days
Lazy, hazy days
Blackhawk takes off
Blackhawk takes off
The right mood
The right mood
Baker's Beach panorama
Baker's Beach panorama
Desert sunset panorama
Desert sunset panorama
Green pastures panorama
Green pastures panorama
Morro Bay clouds panorama
Morro Bay clouds panorama