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Richard Stone | profile | all galleries >> Asia >> Tibet >> Lalung La Pass, Tibet tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Lalung La Pass, Tibet

The Lalung La Pass (5050m), is found on the Friendship Highway between Shigatse and Kathmandu, close to the Nepal/Tibet border.
When we visited in the late autumn of 2002, the pass was covered in snow making for quite a spectacular vista!

Prayer Flags on the top of the Lalung La Pass, Tibet
Prayer Flags on the top of the Lalung La Pass, Tibet
Driving up to the Lalung La Pass, Tibet
Driving up to the Lalung La Pass, Tibet
Driving up to the Lalung La Pass, Tibet
Driving up to the Lalung La Pass, Tibet
Driving up to the Lalung La Pass, Tibet
Driving up to the Lalung La Pass, Tibet
Lalung La Pass, Tibet
Lalung La Pass, Tibet
Lalung La Pass, Tibet
Lalung La Pass, Tibet
Prayer Flags on the top of the Lalung La Pass, Tibet
Prayer Flags on the top of the Lalung La Pass, Tibet
Himalayas from the Lalung La Pass, Tibet
Himalayas from the Lalung La Pass, Tibet
Lalung La Pass, Tibet
Lalung La Pass, Tibet
Nomads with their Yaks, Lalung La Pass, Tibet
Nomads with their Yaks, Lalung La Pass, Tibet
Nomad, Lalung La Pass, Tibet
Nomad, Lalung La Pass, Tibet
Lalung La Pass, Tibet
Lalung La Pass, Tibet
Himalayas from the Lalung La Pass, Tibet
Himalayas from the Lalung La Pass, Tibet
Himalayas from the Lalung La Pass, Tibet
Himalayas from the Lalung La Pass, Tibet
Lalung La Pass, Tibet
Lalung La Pass, Tibet
Lalung La Pass, Tibet
Lalung La Pass, Tibet
Himalayas from the Lalung La Pass, Tibet
Himalayas from the Lalung La Pass, Tibet
Himalayas from the Lalung La Pass, Tibet
Himalayas from the Lalung La Pass, Tibet
Our fellow overlanders and the truck, Lalung La Pass, Tibet
Our fellow overlanders and the truck, Lalung La Pass, Tibet
Tanya and I on the Lalung La Pass, Tibet
Tanya and I on the Lalung La Pass, Tibet