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Richard Martin-Nielsen | profile | all galleries >> Travels around and from Budapest >> Exploring Hungary in October tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Exploring Hungary in October

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Walking in the forest near our house
Walking in the forest near our house
The town hall in Kecskemet, designed by Odon Lechtner.
The town hall in Kecskemet, designed by Odon Lechtner.
For those who have been to Budapest, he also designed the industrial arts museum and the geological museum.
For those who have been to Budapest, he also designed the industrial arts museum and the geological museum.
Exterior ceiling of the town hall; suns and moons are throughout the architecture
Exterior ceiling of the town hall; suns and moons are throughout the architecture
Inside the town hall: these doors lead to the courtyard
Inside the town hall: these doors lead to the courtyard
Like all Hungarian towns, Kecskemet has more churches than gas stations. This one is Franciscan.
Like all Hungarian towns, Kecskemet has more churches than gas stations. This one is Franciscan.
A particularly pleasing stained-glass of Szent Laszlo: A modern window in a medieval church.
A particularly pleasing stained-glass of Szent Laszlo: A modern window in a medieval church.
I love this building. This is, again, part of the Hungarian secessionist style.
I love this building. This is, again, part of the Hungarian secessionist style.
Look at this! It is brilliant!
Look at this! It is brilliant!
The building is called the Ornamental Palace, and built in 1902 originally for shops and apartments.
The building is called the Ornamental Palace, and built in 1902 originally for shops and apartments.
Now it houses an art gallery with 19th and 20th century Hungarian paintings.
Now it houses an art gallery with 19th and 20th century Hungarian paintings.
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